Star Wars Episode 666

Star Wars. It's not just a movie. Not just a series. It's not just a franchise. It's a pop culture icon. I mean, it's Star Wars! 7 movies and counting, and though there may be some worse than others, the story as a whole is known and beloved by millions.
Wanna know something funny? For as much as people love good ol' Star Wars, I hadn't ever seen one...until a couple weeks ago. It was Thursday, July 7th. I was at a garage sale, and there it was. "Star Wars Episode IV", written on a small label which was crudely stuck onto a coverless DVD container. I asked the man who seemed to be running the sale how much it would cost. He looked me dead in the eye, and said he'd pay me to get rid of "that godforsaken movie".
So, I put it back and walked away, making sure not to look back as I headed home.
A few days later, my friend Drake called me asking me to come to his house for a party on Tuesday. I didn't have any plans, so I told him I'd see him there.
Three days pass.
I get in my car and drive over to Drake's, it only took a few minutes. Once I arrived, the party seemed to be already halfway through. "Sorry for being late, I had to do some shopping with my girlfriend on short notice. You know how she is", I told Drake as he greeted me at the door.
"No worries, man. Everyone's out back in the pool—I have your spare trunks here from last time in the bathroom."
After wading around in the pool, having some drinks, and talking to my friends Lissa and Robin, I started feeling a bit lightheaded. I dried off and went to the bathroom to regain my composure. I heard a scuffle of footsteps and farewells before going out to see the others off. I asked to stay a bit, telling him I wasn't in the right state to drive. "Sure thing. I'll call Selena for you and tell her you'll be staying over, since it seems you left your phone at home", Drake offered.
I climbed the stairs, albeit slowly, until I finally reached Drake's room. There, I saw it.
Star Wars Episode IV.
It was the same one that was at the garage sale, label and all. I put the disk in the DVD player, continuing through the menu and hitting play. What I was about to see is indescribable.
The scenes that played out weren't normal, that's for damn sure.
It wouldn't even be right to tell others the insanity I witnessed.
... Because that'd be spoiling the amazing movie I saw that night! Sure, the weird romance between Luke and Leia was kinda offputting, but the whole story was so engaging, I HAD to go out and see the sequels! And the prequels! So let this be a warning to those that read this. If you haven't seen Star Wars, seriously check it out. Great series.